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Don’t Give Up!

Don’t Give Up!

November 2023


   I know many of you are believing God and standing on His Word for healing, because I have received your letters asking for prayer. I want to encourage you today in your faith. Maybe you are a little bit better, but have not received the full manifestation of your healing. Don’t give up! Don’t give in to an attitude of discouragement.

   When spring arrived this year, I planted beautiful zinnia flowers at the back of my house, because it was my grandmother’s favorite. Then, the weather turned cold and inhibited their growth. A month later the temperature soared to 100+ degrees and we were in a drought. But I kept watering them, shading them when possible, and it was a lot of work! And…yes, I became discouraged at times and was tempted to just let them die, but I didn’t. All my work was rewarded and months later they are healthy, bright, and beautiful.

   Aren’t our bodies so much more important? Yet, we sometimes get weary of taking care of them, confessing the Word over them, resisting sickness, and saying “no” to the enemy. However, our bodies are the “temple of the Holy Spirit,” and if we view our efforts to keep them well as a service to God then our attitudes can change. One of the biggest hindrances to health is the words we are speaking (or thinking) about our bodies.

   Did you know your body is listening to everything you say about it?

   “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim) (Romans 10:8 ESV)

   You have the choice to either speak words of faith through and to your body, or negative, discouraging words. Your body will respond just like those flowers I planted. It took some time, but loving care brought them around. How much more will our bodies respond to the loving words of faith we speak to them? It may take time, but don’t give up!

   I want you to know I am praying for you and surrounding you with faith and love by the power of the Spirit today.


In Christ,

Annette Capps


Click Here to view this month's teaching by Charles Capps, Believing & Receiving Your Healing.

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  • Annette Capps