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April 2018 - Letter from Annette

Dear Partner,

     This months online teaching is one of the earliest writings of my father, Charles Capps, and has been unpublished until now. I came across this leaflet that was typewriter written on folded 8 ½ x 11 paper and copied. The teaching is a true treasure that will not only help those who seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit, but any Christian seeking an answer to prayer. The steps to receive anything from God are always the same and are clearly outlined in this pamphlet.

     My own mother was filled with the Holy Spirit many years ago after reading this teaching. She was raised in a Methodist home and after marrying a thoroughly Pentecostal raised farmer named Charles Capps, she began to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Not really understanding how to receive, it was several years before she heard this “new teaching about faith.” She says:

     “After hearing Charles teach, and reading the leaflet, I decided to do what the Word says. I believed and I received when I prayed and declared that ‘I will speak in tongues’. It was 2-3 weeks later that I felt compelled to go to another room and pray. As I knelt down, I felt full and bubbling over with gratitude and thankfulness. When I opened my mouth to pray, it was a different language.”

     It is so simple – accept God at His Word – believe you have received when you pray. That faith is your evidence and it applies to all areas of life.

     May you be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit!

In Christ,
Annette Capps