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Tribute to the Life & Ministry of Charles Capps

A Tribute from the Family - Published Obituary

Charles CappsCharles Emmitt Capps, farmer, land developer and Bible teacher from England, Arkansas was promoted to heaven on Sunday, February 23, 2014. On Friday he informed family and close friends that he would be going home in three days, and as a man of integrity, a man of faith, and man of his word, he did exactly as he said.

A lifelong Arkansas resident, Charles was born in Brummett, Arkansas on January 4, 1934. He farmed cotton, soybeans and rice in the England area until 1978, when he retired to become a full time Bible teacher.

In the early 1960’s, Charles traveled extensively as a lay minister teaching personal evangelism with D.L. “Sam” Jordan in Assemblies of God Churches all over the United States. During this time, he also spent time ministering to the inmates at Tucker Prison Farm in Tucker, Arkansas. He was an active deacon and Sunday School teacher at the First Assembly of God Church in England, Arkansas for many years.

In the later 1960’s, a meeting with Loren Cunningham led to a new venture of involvement with the organization, Youth With a Mission. Known in religious circles as “The Flying Farmer,” Charles flew his Piper Twin Comanche aircraft to the Bahamas, where he led teams of young people in sharing Jesus Christ with residents of the islands.

While continuing his farming, Charles had a “chance” meeting with a newspaper salesman and a cab driver at a Methodist Men’s Breakfast which led to a profound change in his life. He was told about the ministry of Kenneth E. Hagin and given a small book called, Right and Wrong Thinking. The concept of “what we think – we say, and what we say – we believe” struck a cord with him and he began to study the Bible in a new light. He began to realize that his words had power, so he changed what he was saying and what he was thinking. It was a struggle to get out of the negative stream of life, but soon he saw the fruit of his words and his life began to change.

Invited to share his story at Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship meetings, his Magazines with Charles on Coversimplistic style of teaching practical truths from the Bible appealed to people from every Christian denomination. The requests for speaking engagements became so great after the printing of his pamphlet, God’s Creative Power Will Work For You, that he retired from farming and became a full-time Bible teacher, eventually authoring 24 books, many of which are published in multiple languages.

When this farmer from England, Arkansas began to teach 15 minute segments on the radio, the response was overwhelming and the Concepts of Faith Radio and Television Broadcast was launched. With his down to earth style, Charles taught that our words are like seeds and we plant them into the ground of our heart by speaking them out loud. If you want soybeans to grow, don’t plant Johnson grass seed! You reap what you sow.

His body or his “earthsuit,” as he called it may be gone—but his message, his words, and his voice will continue to be heard far into the future.

Charles is survived by his wife Peggy, his daughters, Annette Capps, Beverly Capps, 3 grandchildren, Zachary Capps and wife Erin, Caleb Burgess and wife Helen, BreAnne Brue and husband Zachary, and 2 great grandchildren, Katie and Corwin Brue.

Letter from Peggy Capps

Dear Friends and Partners,

 I want to thank you for all the cards we have received conveying your prayers for comfort and strength for our family. Each card and letter has been read and I personally have been so blessed by the many testimonies of how Charles’ teachings have helped you overcome so many different circumstances in your life. The stories of lives changed, families healed and restored and the many praise reports of miraculous healings that have taken place all over the world has been so touching. We have also heard from many ministers who regarded Charles Capps as their father and mentor who led them on the path to a successful church or ministry today. Others were thankful for “correction” they received as only Charles could do! There is no doubt that many, many lives have been impacted by the past 40 years of ministry. Charles simply delivered the Good News to them. Those who heard the Word and lived it, saw their circumstances change by applying the Word of God to their lives. Thank you for all your kind words, and particularly your encouragement to continue with the ministry. I am very moved by the depth of our partners’ commitment to support this message of faith.


God Bless You,

 Peggy Capps


Tribute from Happy Caldwell

We very much appreciate this video tribute honoring Charles.

Tribute from Kenneth Copeland

A Champion Has Gone to Glory!

I have been BLESSED and honored to call Charles Capps my close friend for more than 35 years. He BLESSED me with his teaching of The WORD of God. He BLESSED me by being such a stalwart man of faith and integrity. He BLESSED me by being so kind and ever ready to minister to my family.Charles Capps with Lake Behind

Charles preached in our meetings on many occasions and always took us all to higher levels of awareness of faith in The LORD Jesus and His WORD. Not only that, he's one of the best pilots I've ever flown with and the best fisherman I've ever fished with—and all of it, by faith!

On Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014, heaven became even brighter when Brother Charles went home. I'm looking forward to seeing him again. Until then, I will miss him!

Jesus Is Lord!

Kenneth Copeland