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January 2021 Partner Letter

January 2021 Partner Letter

Dear Partner,

   You are the one who determines the success or failure of the new year. You have no control over the world’s system, the weather, the economy or the choices of other people, but you DO have control over what happens in your life, the course it takes and most importantly — the words you speak that create your world.

   If you have agreed and set yourself in alignment with the bad news that is broadcast every day, you must stop and realign yourself with God’s promises to you. You must choose to believe God’s Word above any and all circumstances that arise. Your life depends on it!

   With our words we set the course of our lives, choosing life and health or sickness and death. And with our words we set our course for receiving God’s abundant provisions or struggle with lack. Changing our beliefs and attitudes is paramount if we are to speak words of life with power. And we only change our beliefs by reading and hearing what God said and choosing to believe His Words over the words of the world. The world makes us promises, only generating one fear after another, but God’s promises are abundant life for us if we will only receive and accept His help.

   Two scriptures come to mind:

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV)

 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63 NKJV)

   The Holy Spirit has been impressing upon my spirit to look at what is happening through the eyes of the spirit. We can look through the eyes of the flesh (which the world is doing) or look from God’s viewpoint, by the spirit. What is happening around you is happening because of spiritual forces, either good or evil. If you choose to recognize the source and walk in the Spirit, you will be a victor. Flesh and blood enters into strife and anger, but Jesus said the Spirit gives life, and that His Words are spirit and life. 

   I encourage you to fill yourself with the Word of God and choose to look on your circumstances and the circumstances of the world through spiritual discernment. And finally, when your own spirit is disturbed, allow the Holy Spirit to pray through your spirit and intercede by praying the mysteries of God.

Your prayers count!


In Christ,

Annette Capps



Click Here to view this month's teaching, "Prayer Confessions For The New Year."

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  • Annette Capps