Letters from Annette
December 2021 Partner Letter
No matter how many times I have heard teaching on Mark 11:23-24, I get something new and different energized to my spirit when I study these verses. I have to tell you, this month’s pamphlet is powerful, even if my Dad did write it. It doesn’t belong to Charles Capps or Kenneth Hagin; these scriptures belong to you and to me. Jesus spoke them to His disciples and to all who will ever follow Him. These principles are eternal, uttered by the lips of the One sent from God!- Annette Capps
November 2021 Partner Letter
With the outbreaks of COVID, I have received news of sickness, deaths, and hospitalizations of friends and partners. I am sure you have experienced the same news in your circles. Thank God, I have also heard many messages on healing and when a few members of our staff became ill, they recovered fully.- Annette Capps
October 2021 Partner Letter
The single most important Bible teaching that has impacted my life is the subject of the authority of the believer. Raised in church, born again at the age of 6, received the Holy Spirit at the age of 8, I heard many good sermons at my home church from our pastor, Brother Harold Walls. At youth camp, I heard exciting and inspirational messages that lingered throughout the summer. But what happened when I was 17 really set a course for my ministry.- Annette Capps