Concepts of Faith is on VICTORY Tuesdays at 7:00am (Central) -- TCT Tuesdays at 10:30am (Central) -- Daystar at 10:00am (Central) Thursdays

Letters from Annette

You are filled with the Spirit of the Living God!

You are filled with the Spirit of the Living God!

I am excited to share with you a chapter from my new book, The Spirit of Prophecy.

When God spoke to me to write this book in 2019, I had no idea of what would be taking place in the 3 years it took to get it published and released to the public. A great deal of confusion came into the Body of Christ when suddenly prophecies began to come forth that seemed to contradict each other.

  • Annette Capps
What Are You Saying About Your Health?

What Are You Saying About Your Health?

What are you saying about your health? I mean in every day conversation, when talking to someone on the phone, to your spouse, to your friends, to your children. What are you saying to yourself about your body?

We may think we are just talking, but guess what? Your body is listening to you!

  • Annette Capps
The Prayer of Faith

The Prayer of Faith

When you come before the Father in prayer, are you confident and bold with your request? Or, do you come as a victim of circumstances, begging for help?
  • Annette Capps
Your Victory is Assured

Your Victory is Assured

The people of Samaria were in dire circumstances with no supplies of food and no hope of defeating the Syrians, who had cut off their city, when the prophet Elisha made a startling prediction, “...This time tomorrow shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria!”  (2 Kings 7:1)
  • Annette Capps